Can I Vote If...
I have a disability?
Information on assisting voters with disabilities is available through the Wisconsin Disability Voter Coalition.
I am experiencing homelessness?
The Wisconsin Elections Commission has information on how to vote if you are homeless. Click Here.
I am currently incarcerated on a misdemeanor or waiting for a verdict
Yes, click here to learn more, know your rights, make a plan to vote, online absentee ballot, downloadable absentee ballot
I speak a language other than English?
A voter may require an assistor if they have problems reading or writing, have difficulty with the English language, or have a disability which prevents them from being able to mark the ballot. After the ballot has been marked, the assistor must then sign in the space provided on the back of the ballot. The name and address of the individual providing assistance will also be recorded on the voter list by the election inspectors. Assistors do not need to be qualified electors and may include children who are minors or otherwise ineligible electors.